Have you seen Whiskey Creek Country Club? WCCC offers a challenging course with beautiful views, and excellent amenities. Come and enjoy a golf game with friends … enjoy a delicious lunch or have a refreshing drink at the bar.
WCCC is now open for breakfast and lunch on Mondays! The new clubhouse manager, Josh, is looking forward to meeting you! The club is open seven days a week. A dinner buffet is available on Tuesday night from 5 to 7 p.m. There are appetizers and desserts available to be ordered with your Friday night dinner.
Trey Sones is available to give golf lessons. Inquire at the desk for his instruction times.
If you need a gift, why not stop by the pro shop and see the many new items arriving. WCCC 50th anniversary shirts and golf caps are still for sale. There are also gift certificates available if you can’t find that special gift.
Take time to stop at the club and pick up a brochure, (239)481-3021.