The November meeting of the Whiskey Creek Ladies’ Club (WCLC) was held at the Whiskey Creek Country Club. The tables were decorated by Cathy Trent in a Thanksgiving theme. 32 members and four guests were greeted by Lona Leugers. Vice President Peg Mocharaki opened the meeting with a flag salute and a welcome. Ellie Neal read the inspirational message, “Happiness.”
In February, a Nominating Committee will be formed to prepare a slate of officers to present at the March meeting and then hold elections in April. Anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact the president.
She reminded everyone that name badges must be worn at meetings to avoid a $1 fine. She also announced that the cost of lunch is $24. Members are asked to pay by check or exact cash. The club is not having the regular Christmas Ornament Exchange this December.
Two Wi-fi engineers got married, the reception was fantastic!
Pam Lucas reported that the book club’s next selection was Before You Found Me by Brooke Beyfuss on Nov. 21. The WCLC Book Club meets the third Thursday of each month at 10:30 a.m. There is a book discussion and lunch. New members are encouraged to attend.
The club welcomed representatives from Thrive, a lifeline family center. They explained that the organization is dedicated to assisting pregnant women and single mothers achieve their potential.
Next month’s meeting is Dec. 5. The program is The Tanglewood Children’s Choir. Lunch is glazed ham and cheesecake with raspberry sauce or Chef salad and dessert. The vice president announced that responses to next month’s attendance are due Wednesday, one week prior to the meeting. We encourage you to make your meal selection for the following month when you sign in at the meeting. If you need to cancel, please notify Linda Jones or the club at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the cost of your meal.
The Whiskey Creek Ladies’ Club is a social and service organization. Membership is open to all women in Lee County. We meet on the first Thursday of each month at the Whiskey Creek Country Club at 11:30 a.m. Meetings are from October to May. An interesting and informative program is presented each month. New members and guests are always welcome. For information contact Linda Jones at [email protected] or call (678) 744-5461.