Club News and Activities

Poetry Corner

  • December 2024
  • Judith Foley


When I moved to this state I was not well-informed Of the massive extent Of the non-human form.

My initial encounter Had a lovely bug name A Palmetto bug Which changed my whole game.

I screamed like a banshee It was the size of a tree I was told not to shriek At every bug I would see.

The “skeeters” were next They put up a good fight They were much more annoying With their buzzing and bites.

And don’t get me started On the ants of all kinds The tiny, the huge Played games with my mind.

And, of course, all the snakes They do seem to thrive I just can’t bear to watch them Slither across my drive.

And now we have new friends The gators, the bears Check under your cars And your pools–be aware.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten A dozen or two But I’m feeling too queasy To explore the whole zoo.

So keep your eyes peeled And listen for sounds Check the grass and the bushes That’s where they’ll be found.

I have to stop now Need to shop for the best Raid, Combat, and Terro To exterminate my “guests”.

Judith Foley